Cara Simple Cari Backlink .EDU,.GOV Berkualitas
Cara Simple mencari backlink .EDU,.GOV berkualitas yang dipercaya dapat meningkatkan kualitas blog di mata mesin pencarian google karena telah mendapat backlink berkualitas yang belum lama saya temukan seperti ini: * “Powered by BlogEngine.NET” inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “KATA KUNCI”
* “Powered by BlogEngine.NET” inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “KATA KUNCI”
* “Powered by BlogEngine.NET” inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “KATA KUNCI”
* “Powered by BlogEngine.NET” inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “KATA KUNCI”
* inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “KATA KUNCI” * inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “KATA KUNCI”
* inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “KATA KUNCI” * inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “KATA KUNCI”
* “powered by expressionengine” “KATA KUNCI” * “powered by expressionengine” “KATA KUNCI”
* “powered by expressionengine” “KATA KUNCI” * “powered by expressionengine” “KATA KUNCI”
Update tambahan mencari backlink berkualitas
* Masukkan keyword “Powered by BlogEngine.NET (Tetep pake Tanda kutip) Itulah daftar-daftar Blog/Web yang Dofollow dan sebagian ada yang Ber PR tinggi.
* isikan keyword “Powered by BlogEngine.NET
Silahken dicatet cara mencari backlink berkualitas berikut ini : “Powered by BlogEngine.NET” inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “KATA KUNCI” “Powered by BlogEngine.NET” inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “KATA KUNCI” “Powered by BlogEngine.NET” inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “KATA KUNCI” “Powered by BlogEngine.NET” inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “KATA KUNCI” inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “KATA KUNCI” inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “KATA KUNCI” inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “KATA KUNCI” inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “KATA KUNCI” “powered by expressionengine” “KATA KUNCI” “powered by expressionengine” “KATA KUNCI” “powered by expressionengine” “KATA KUNCI” “powered by expressionengine” “KATA KUNCI”
Update tambahan mencari backlink berkualitas
Masukkan keyword “Powered by BlogEngine.NET (Tetep pake Tanda kutip) Itulah daftar-daftar Blog/Web yang Dofollow dan sebagian ada yang Ber PR tinggi.
isikan keyword “Powered by BlogEngine.NET
isikan keyword “Powered by BlogEngine.NET
Update cara mencari backlink
Bonus Tips On Finding Blogs To Comment On. You can use Google to find related blogs. Below are few examples:
“Add comment” Your Keywords
“Post comment” Your Keywords
“Write comment” Your Keywords
Your Keywords “leave a comment” / “leave comment”
Your Keywords “Notify me of follow-up comments?”+”Submit the word you see below:”
Your Keywords “Remember my personal information” + “Notify me of follow-up comments?”
Your Keywords “Notify me of follow-up comments”
Your Keywords “This site uses KeywordLuv”
Your Keywords “Enable CommentLuv”
Your Keywords “You can use these tags”
Your Keywords “Powered by BlogEngine.NET”
Your Keywords “Allowed HTML tags:”
Your Keywords “top commenter”
“It runs the StatusNet microblogging software” intitle:(Public timeline)
New Update
“Add comment” Your Keywords
“Post comment” Your Keywords
Write comment Your Keywords
Your Keywords leave a comment / leave comment
Your Keywords Notify me of follow-up comments?”+”Submit the word you see below:”
Your Keywords Remember my personal information” + “Notify me of follow-up comments?”
Your Keywords “Notify me of follow-up comments”
Your Keywords This site uses KeywordLuv”
Your Keywords “Enable CommentLuv”
Your Keywords “You can use these tags”
Your Keywords Powered by BlogEngine.NET”
Your Keywords Allowed HTML tags:”
Your Keywords top commenter”
Update “ChronoComments by Joomla Professional Solutions”
Lagi2 update cari backlink : SMF – Just Installed! “Powered by SMF”
Update terbaru backlink berkualitas
RELEVANT Forums for backlinks and traffic
KEYWORDS “powered by phpbb” inurl:/forum
KEYWORDS “powered by vbulletin” inurl:/forum
KEYWORDS “powered by smf” site: /forum
KEYWORDS “powered by phpbb” inurl:/community
KEYWORDS “powered by vbulletin” inurl:/community
KEYWORDS “powered by smf” inurl:/community
.edu forums (exchange .edu with .gov for gov links)
“powered by vbulletin”
“powered by phpbb”
“powered by smf”
RELEVANT blogs yang allow comments
KEYWORDS “powered by wordpress”
KEYWORDS “leave a comment”
KEYWORDS “reply to post”
KEYWORDS “leave comment”
RELEVANT blogs yang allow comments dengan keywords sebagai anchor text
KEYWORDS “this site uses keywordluv”
KEYWORDS “this site uses commentluv”
.edu sites yang allow comments
KEYWORDS “powered by wordpress”
KEYWORDS “leave a comment”
KEYWORDS “reply to post”
Cara simplenya cari backlink .EDU,.GOV berkualitas seperti ini :
Cara ini menggunakan google, search pake kata kunci ini.
Wordpress: "powered by wordpress" "leave a comment" "powered by wordpress" "powered by wordpress" "leave a comment" "powered by wordpress" "powered by wordpress"
BlogEngine "Powered by BlogEngine.NET″ ""Powered by BlogEngine.NET″ "Powered by BlogEngine.NET″
"Powered by PHPbb"
"Powered by vBulletin"
"Powered by SMF"
allintext:[get a cbox]
"Powered by Tagbox"
Simple machines:
"powered by Simple Machines"
"powered by punBB"
IP Bulletin Board
"Powered By IP.Board" method:
Kalau mau cari Backlink Gratis ver indonesia yang berisi para blogger indoensia disini
Tutorial Cara simple mendapat backlink berkualitas dari .EDU,.GOV semacam ini sudah banyak di postkan di forum-forum seperti forum adsense, juga post di blognya para blogger, namun entah kenapa dan seperti apa kehebatannya, silahkan di buktikan sendiri.
Tags: Tips Blogging, Tips SEO Backlinks
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261 Respones to "Cara Simple Cari Backlink .EDU,.GOV Berkualitas"
«OldestMantap-mantap...terima kasih. Ijin pakai ilmunya bro...
ini malah ribet gan bukan nya simpel.
mantap banget nih...
dengan begini jadi lebih mudah cari backlink yang berkualitas.
ko ga bisa do copy bro???
kalo gini sih jadi susah kalo harus diketik.
informasi yang sangat bagus...
semoga bermanfaat untuk orang banyak.
makasih gan infonya sangat membantu sekali !
ilmu yang sangat bermanfaat sekali niih moga ajjha bisa dlksanakan dan bia mmbuat website kita bagus , he
nice postingan gan
gue mau bilang "wow" sama blog ini
thanks pak, ilmunya sangat berguna.
thanks bro, blog ni keren banget.
infonya sngat bermanfaat, sukses terus.
makasih gan informasinya berguna banget bagi ku
mudahan mudahan ajjha pr nya cepet naik yya ,, he
Mohon dibantu gimana caranya yah blog saya masih stabil
thanks for your enjoy article....Keep posting more. :)
ilmu yang sangat bermanfaat...
makasih atas infonya.
Izin usaya praktekin yah.
waduh ribet ya...
gak bisa nih di copy ~_~
Ikut menyimak artikelnya gan :-)
Trimakasih info nya :)
Trimakasih info nya :)
Trimakasih info nya :)
Trimakasih info nya :)
Trimakasih info nya :)
arigatoo gozaimasu....
arigatoo gozaimasu....
arigatoo gozaimasu....
arigatoo gozaimasu....
arigatoo gozaimasu....
arigatoo gozaimasu....
arigatoo gozaimasu....
arigatoo gozaimasu....
arigatoo gozaimasu....
arigatoo gozaimasu....
Wah... coding nih, terimakasih sudah berbagi ilmu pengetahuan, sangat menarik sekali.
Belajar Forex
Trimakasih info nyaaaa :)
arigatoo gozaimasu....
arigatoo gozaimasu....
Trimakasih info nyaaaa :)
Trimakasih info nyaaaa :)
arigatoo gozaimasu....
arigatoo gozaimasu....
Trimakasih info nyaaaa :)
arigatoo gozaimasu....
Trimakasih info nyaaaa :)
arigatoo gozaimasu....
Trimakasih info nyaaaa :)
arigatoo gozaimasu....
arigatoo gozaimasu....
Trimakasih info nyaaaa :)
arigatoo gozaimasu....
arigatoo gozaimasu....
Trimakasih info nyaaaa :)
arigatoo gozaimasu....
Trimakasih info nyaaaa :)
Trimakasih info nyaaaa :)
Trimakasih info nyaaaa :)
Trimakasih info nyaaa :)
Trimakasih info nyaaa :)
Trimakasih info nyaaa :)
Trimakasih info nyaaa :)
Trimakasih info nyaaa :)
Trimakasih info nyaaa :)
Trimakasih infonya :)
Trimakasih infonya :)
Trimakasih infonya :)
Trimakasih infonya :)
Trimakasih infonya :)
Trimakasih infonya :)
Trimakasih infonya :)
Trimakasih infonya :)
Trimakasih infonya :)
Trimakasih infonya :)
Trimakasih infonya :)
Trimakasih infonya :)
Trimakasih infonya :)
Trimakasih infonya :)
Trimakasih infonya :)
thanks infonya
Trimakasih infonya :)
Trimakasih infonya :)
Trimakasih infonya :)
Trimakasih infonya :)
Trimakasih infonya :)
Trimakasih infonya :)
Trimakasih infonya :)
Trimakasih infonya :)
Trimakasih infonya :)
Trimakasih infonya :)
Trimakasih infonya :)
Trimakasih infonya :)
Trimakasih infonya :)
Trimakasih infonya :)
Trimakasih infonya :)
Trimakasih infonya :)
Trimakasih infonya :)
Trimakasih infonya :)
Masih kurang ngerti. Gimana sih itu caranya??
masih gak ngerti saya,,,gimana caranya? kenapa ga ad sekalian contohnya ga?
Trimakasih infonyaaa :)
Trimakasih infonyaaa :)
Trimakasih infonyaaa :)
Trimakasih infonyaaa :)
Trimakasih infonyaaa :)
Trimakasih infonyaaa :)
Trimakasih infonyaaa :)
Trimakasih infonyaaa :)
Trimakasih infonyaaa :)
Trimakasih infonyaaa :)
Trimakasih infonyaaa :)
Trimakasih infonyaaa :)
Trimakasih infonyaaa :)
Trimakasih infonyaaa :)
Trimakasih infonya :)
Trimakasih infonya :)
Trimakasih infonya :)
Trimakasih infonya :)
Trimakasih infonya :)
Trimakasih infonya :)
langsung ke tkp.... makasih gan.. :)
makasih gan atas informasinya luar biasa banget,,
gan ane puyeng liat tuh huruf.. gak ngerti ane
makasih gan infonya bermanfaat
makasih gan infonya bermanfaat
patut di cobah nih, siapa yg nggak mau backlink apalagi berkualitas terima kasih sobat
ini terbukti berhasil g gan...???
thanks gan informasinya
Terimakasih buat infonya kawan, berkat info dari anda saya mendapatkan imajinasi yang sangat hebat untuk memasukan gaya menulis anda ke postingan saya... Sukses selalu buat anda dan kita semua...
seesenernya sikh blum ngerti mksudnya ga,,hhe,,tpi ths bnget infonya
thanks gan informasinya
arigatoo gozaimasu...
trimakasih info
arigatoo gozaimasu...
trimakasih info
arigatoo gozaimasu...
trimakasih info
arigatoo gozaimasu...
trimakasih info
arigatoo gozaimasu...
aduuuhh.. kga ngerti :(
thanks gan informasinya
trimakasih info
arigatoo gozaimasu...
trimakasih info
arigatoo gozaimasu...
trimakasih info
arigatoo gozaimasu...
trimakasih info
arigatoo gozaimasu...
trimakasih info
arigatoo gozaimasu...
trimakasih info
arigatoo gozaimasu...
trimakaih info
Infonya mantaff bngt, makasih gan ...
saya baru tau cara seperti ini kang...thanks
arigaou gozaimasu...
trimakasih info
arigaou gozaimasu...
trimakasih info
arigaou gozaimasu...
trimakasih info
trimakasih info
trimakasih info
trimakasih info
really nice info ... sering2 update ya blognya... saya jadi pengunjung setia ni
mantap nih gan info nya ,, makasih ya
aduh code apaan sih itu ?
thank you very much for information
thank you very much for information
thank you very much for information
thank you very much for information
thank you very much for information
thank you very much for information
thank you very much for information
thank you very much for information
thank you very much for information
thank you very much for information
thank you very much for information
thank you very much for information
bisa dicoba nih. makasih atas infonya. salam dari newbie.....
Hadir kang!! Ikut absen yah.
thx infox gan~
ng.. mci dkit g paham.. :\
Backlink ini maksudnya apa ya ? saya kurang ngerti nih gan mohon pencerahannya dong gan... :)
sip sippppppppppppp
itu teh di gimanain?
kurang paham saya,,
itu ksudnya gmna yaaaa???????????????
Thanks infony pak,sangat bermanfaat bagi sema.
Ijin nyimak aja sobb ...
thank gan to infonya.. :)
kunjungan perdana.. salam kenal bos
belum ngerti... ane simak dulu gan
saya simak ya gan
izin nyimak gan salam kenal yaaa
Masih perlu penjelasan tambahan, maklum saya newbie :)
Di coba dulu ya sob...
makasih y atasi informasinya, semoga bermanfaat...
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